Why do people feel like they need to slow down when merging? Go the same speed as those traveling in the lane you will join, and then find a space to merge into! It is an easy concept. Children can perform this complicated task at a roller rink without the help of an engine or informative signage. Very few traffic jams or accidents occur as a result. Why are adults so incompetent even with the help of advanced technology and years of experience?
Honestly, I can't wait until cars are simply driven for us by means of AI. Until that time, there can be no order when the judgment of a person is part of the transportation equation. Rational thought and logic are completely disrupted by attention, emotion, and personality. We humans are incapable of consistent logical thought and execution. You might as well try making lemonade from water and yellow.
Of course, when we no longer have to physically drive our cars in order to get anywhere, commuting will be a completely different beast. I'd like my vehicle of the future to include a bed and darkly tented windows. I'll just sleep until we get there.
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