Thursday, May 21, 2009


On the way home from work yesterday, I witnessed a fender bender. There was quite a bit of traffic, and you could only advance in short spurts. In the lane next to me, a car ran right into the back of a stationary SUV. I had already stopped, waiting for my lane to move forward, and was looking for vanity plates to read. The SUV was about 15 feet away from me and I happened to be looking at its plate when a black car plowed into the back of it. The driver couldn't have been going more than 15 miles an hour, but he didn't even brake before hitting the SUV. He must not have been looking in front of him at all.

I turned to see what he was doing, and he was looking down into his lap. He seemed unmoved by the accident. The hood of his car was raised and crunched in and his grill and bumper majorly damaged. I was surprised by how much damage his car had sustained in such a low speed collision. The SUV seemed fine with the exception of its hitch. That was hanging by a thread after the accident.

My lane started moving again after the SUV managed to pull over to the inner shoulder of the road. I watched the black car sit in the lane in my rear view mirror for a while. I'm not sure what the driver was doing, but he wasn't moving his car out of the way of traffic.

I thought about pulling over to be a witness of the accident, but as all rear end collisions are the fault of the car in the back, I figured that I wouldn't be needed.

It was a strange experience.

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